
10 Ways You Can Ease Your Holiday Stress This Season

It’s that time of year, the holiday season. This generally means people are doing more than they usually do as they prepare to host their families and purchase gifts for the loved ones in their lives. Attempting to keep the house clean, your family fed, and checking off your holiday to-do list while also caring for your aging loved one can be a lot.

1. Ask for help.

It sounds simple, but have you ever outright asked for help? Let someone address your holiday cards, clean your house, drop off your dry cleaning, or walk the dog to take some things off your plate.

2. Get a massage.

Enough said. Take some time for yourself which will force you to get into a state of relaxation of both your body and mind.

3. Meditate.

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This is a great way to clear your mind when all you can think about are all the things you haven’t done yet and worry about how you will ever get to them all. Take some time in the morning to put your stress aside and concentrate on your breathing. If this is hard for you, try a guided meditation that will walk you through what to do.

4. Make a list.

Are you one of those people who keeps everything in your head? If you are trying to do all of the things by memory, that can be stressful all by itself! Get a paper and pen or use your phone to make a list of the things that you need to do. It will feel good getting to physically cross them off as you complete them.

5. Prioritize.

Sometimes it can be stressful when your schedule is packed and you have tons to do and you don’t know what to do first. Take time to look at your list and circle the things that you need to do today. By simplifying your list you can wrap your head around it and calm some of your worries.

6. Hire caregivers.

Did you know that professional caregivers can be hired by the day or even by the hour? If you need a little extra help this holiday season, consider calling a home care service to see how caregivers can help your senior parent or loved one for as little or as much time as you need to help ease your load.

7. Simplify.

Traditions are important, but if there is something you are dreading, consider simplifying the process this year. Is there an easier way to celebrate? Trying something new might be a good way to test how stressful some of your old traditions were.

8. Declutter.

You might be surprised at how much less stressed or tense you are by taking some time to declutter your home or the space around you. Look around the places that you spend the most time- is it messy or unorganized? Start small and see if you feel better after you clear out that space, and keep going if it works for you.

9. Take a break.

Need a break? Take one! Don’t let the stress of the holidays keep you up all night. Stop and take time to have a cup of tea, read a few chapters of a book, knit, or whatever your hobby might be.

10. Exercise.

Exercising can make you feel good so make sure you find time to move your body this holiday season.


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