
National Senior Citizen’s Day!

August 21st – Help us celebrate Senior Citizen’s Day!

How it started…

Originally observed on August 14th, the day Roosevelt initiated the Social Security Act in 1935, Ronald Reagan officially proclaimed August 21st as National Senior Citizen’s Day.   It’s a day to honor those who have gained the wisdom that comes with experience.  They have paved the way, broken barriers, endured.  Let’s take time out today to say thank you for their contributions.

What to do today…

Spend time with family.  Take mom, dad, grandparent, aunt or uncle out to breakfast or lunch.  Listen.  Ask them about their first job.  What did they learn from their parents?  What was their favorite part of their childhood?  Seniors have amazing experiences to share.

Go to a nursing home or assisted living and volunteer.  Help with an activity, read a book, sing a song, play games.  You’ll brighten someone’s day and you’ll leave feeling uplifted as well, a win-win!

If you are a senior, get out of the house and have fun.  It’s your day!  Try something new.  Go to a local park or museum.  Volunteer at a school or library.  Share your knowledge.  Revel in the fact that you have earned your opinions and have more to give than you may know.  Shine!

Keep an eye on our Facebook page to find out more local events and where we’ll be that day!


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