
Built To Last: Heart-Healthy Water Activities for Seniors

For active seniors, staying in shape can be tricky. Running is a fantastic cardio workout but comes with some limitations. It is vigorous, unforgiving, and may cause soreness in your joints, knees, and ankles.

Discovering water training, however, could be your ticket to strong cardio without the injuries that come with other activities.

The Southeast US has a humid subtropical climate, making water training ideal. Mixing a little Vitamin D along with your training will produce one happy camper! With enough luck, your water routine can last 10-months outdoors as opposed to some regions that dump snow through Mother’s Day.

Let’s break down effective exercises that any active senior can pull off. These three simple water exercises work well with water beginners or seasoned vets and are a blast. Grab your suit and let’s dive in!

Water Jogging

If running is a passion, move it off the road and into the water. Jogging side-to-side in the pool is a great cardio workout. Incorporating big wide arm swings will up the ante and build arm strength too!

Statistically, one in three 65-year-olds fall, and that number increases with age. Water jogging is the safest alternative in the game and an ideal setting to push yourself.

Arm Curls

Another “land exercise” that works well in the pool is basic arm curls. You can increase the burn with water weights or just use the water itself. Either way, your arms will feel the natural resistance building your muscles after your first set.

Arm curls aren’t necessarily a cardio exercise, but with the resistance of the water, you are able to curl faster without the risk of injury.

Leg Swings

Seniors need flexible hips for stronger confident movement and these swings are the answer. Swing your legs to the front, side, and back and hold them for a five-count to build muscle. Feeling extra buff? Hold them for ten seconds.

Your hips and legs are the nuclei. Don’t discount those for the flashier muscles during your workout.

Physical therapists also swear by the benefits of water exercise. Water training is a comprehensive full-body workout without the baggage of joint pain and muscle deterioration.

Training in the water burns up to three and a half times the calories as those on land.

Seniors Helping Seniors has one goal and that is to extend your independence. Staying healthy, maintaining muscle, and building your cardiovascular strength will ensure that your independence lasts well past your prime no matter the task. The Southeast’s humid weather may produce 100+ degree summer days, but you can usually keep your swimsuit on until Thanksgiving!

Get in the water to help maximize your cardio while minimizing the injuries of more strenuous workouts. Your lifestyle depends on it!

Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home services is an exceptional program of care and compassion that matches seniors who want to provide services with those who are looking for help. Our caregivers can help get you started with exercise, assist with meal preparation, light housekeeping, providing transportation to doctor’s visits, shopping, and running other errands, and so much more.

We like to say it’s… Like getting a little help from your friends®

We service all of Southwest Broward County, Florida. Give us a call today at 954-202-5200.

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