
Connect, Create, & Contribute

Helping Seniors of Brevard Newsletter
Published in May 2109 Newsletter

May is Older Americans Month.  This year seniors are encouraged to Connect, Create, and Contribute.  Working with seniors every day, I get to see many seniors in action; working for Seniors Helping Seniors, volunteering in their community, teaching art classes, and much more.  These vibrant folks are my inspiration.  I love hearing about people in their 90’s who are still playing tennis.  I recently met a woman, who at 79, still works for FEMA!  One of our caregivers, who I have written about in prior articles, turns 86 this year.  Her client recently moved into a facility so she’s off traveling this month.  My family’s matriarch just turned 98, still sharp as a tack.

What do these amazing people have in common?  It’s all in the attitude.  They don’t let a little thing like a number stop them from continuing what they have always done.  Or from trying something new.  They all stay active, connected, and contribute to their community.  They to use their talents to help others but by doing so have kept themselves healthier and happier.

Quick self-check:

Are you staying active?  If not, why not join one of the many senior centers for cards, bingo, exercise, or conversation?  Better yet, get involved and volunteer.  There are social clubs like the 55+ Club of Satellite Beach.  Maybe it’s time to share your hobby.  There are model train clubs, quilting guilds, historic societies.  Volunteering is a great way to spend time with others.  There are so many non-profits in the county you can pick which appeals to you most.  (Don’t forget the volunteer opportunities with Helping Seniors of Brevard!)

If you would like to keep right on working, give us a call at Seniors Helping Seniors.  We hire seniors to go out and help older seniors to stay active, independent, and at home.  It’s a great way to stay connected and earn a little money at the same time.

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