
Talking with Your Parent about Their Future Care after They Are Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease

Elderly Care in Papillion NE

Elderly Care in Papillion NESeptember is Alzheimer’s Month. This is the perfect time for you to talk to your elderly loved one about their journey with Alzheimer’s disease and to make meaningful changes to your care efforts to ensure that your senior gets the level of care, support, and assistance that they need and deserve as they progress through their condition. One of the most important things that you can do during this time is to discuss the future of their care after their diagnosis. This will help them to feel more confident as they move through their disease, and confident in their ability to maintain the lifestyle and quality of life that they desire even as their condition increases.

Use these tips to help you talk to your parent about their future care after they are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease:

• Start as early as possible. It is important to remember that even though Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease, meaning it will get worse, when they first receive their diagnosis they are likely to still be early enough in their progress that they are not suffering extensive decline. This means that they are able to understand the condition, their options, and how they feel about the future of their care. Starting this conversation early is key to ensuring that they are able to express their honest thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about their future care.

• Make sure they understand the importance. Even if your parent’s symptoms are mild, it is important to start thinking about the future of their care. They may feel that they do not need to have this conversation yet because their needs are not “serious”. It is important that you take the time to emphasize with them how important it is for them to think of these issues. There is no way of knowing how fast your parent will progress through this condition or when they will experience very serious symptoms and effects. This is why it is critical that they make their plans now so that whenever the changes occur, you are ready to handle them.

• Ensure it is about them. You are their family caregiver, but that does not mean that you are responsible for coming up with their course of management, treatment, and future care. Instead, it is your responsibility to listen to what your parent has to say and create a course of care around those feelings and beliefs. When talking to your parent about their future care it is vital that you guide the conversation in a direction that is about them and their thoughts and beliefs rather than about you and what you think.

• Discuss immediate plans. The concept of “future” care does not have to be about years, months, or even weeks down the line. Instead, these care plans can get put into place now in order to give your loved one the most benefit possible. One such decision is to start elder care for them. An elderly home care services provider can give your loved one a greater sense of confidence as they receive personalized care tailored to their individual needs, challenges, and limitations. This will help them to live a lifestyle that is right for them at all stages of the progression.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care in Papillion, NE, please contact the caring staff at Seniors Helping Seniors of Greater Omaha at (402)-215-0308 today.

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