
How Valuable is Home Care After Hip Surgery?

Homecare in Omaha NE

Homecare in Omaha NEGetting a total hip replacement surgery can make a tremendous difference in your parent’s quality of life. One of the most common surgical procedures performed on older adults throughout the United States each year, hip replacement surgery can ease pain, reduce stiffness, promote greater mobility, flexibility, and range of motion, and enable your aging parent to life a more active and fulfilling lifestyle throughout their later years. In order for your senior to get the most benefit from this procedure, it is critical that they approach and get through their recovery with a dedication to healing, strengthening, and moving forward into a healthier new chapter. Starting home care for them can be a fantastic way to support this.

Some of the ways that an in-home senior care services provider can help your parent through their recovery after hip replacement surgery include:

• Handling household tasks. Recovery from hip surgery can be long and arduous. During this time your parent will need to be careful not to overburden their new hip. The basic tasks of taking care of their home can be stressful and require more energy and effort than they should be exerting. A home care provider can step in to provide support and handle these tasks for your loved one. This can include washing dishes, doing laundry, tidying, sweeping, taking out the trash, and running errands so that your senior can get the rest that they need to recover.

• Assisting with personal care tasks. Movement can be extremely difficult for your parent, especially during the early portion of recovery. This can make tasks such as bathing, grooming, and bathing challenging. A care provider can provide your parent with valuable assistance with these tasks to help them stay fresh, clean, comfortable, and healthy, while reducing the chances of a fall or other painful event.

• Monitor condition. As your parent recovers from their surgery they will be at risk of potential negative effects, including infection, rejection, emotional concerns, and other problems. If you are not able to be with your parent at all time, your loved one might experience a potentially devastating consequence and not get the care that they need as soon as they should. A home care provider can be there with your parent to monitor your loved one and ensure that if they start showing signs and symptoms of issues they can bring it to your attention as soon as possible so that you can make the decisions that are right for the medical care moving forward.

• Encourage compliance. When your parent leaves the hospital and returns home to continue their recovery, their doctor will have prescribed them medications and given them guidelines regarding lifestyle choices such as exercise and diet. Compliance with these medications and recommendations helps to maximize the chances that they will get the healing benefits that the doctor intended. This home care provider can understand these guidelines and offer your elderly parent guidance and meaningful reminders to help them stay compliant and stay on the track of recovery.

If you or an aging loved one are considering homecare in Omaha, NE, please contact the caring staff at Seniors Helping Seniors® Greater Omaha at (402) 215-0308 today.

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