
How to Help a Caregiver During National Family Caregivers Month

November is National Family Caregivers Month. President Clinton signed the first National Family Caregivers Month Presidential Proclamation in 1997 and every president since has followed suit by issuing an annual proclamation recognizing and honoring family caregivers each November.

Family caregivers provide a staggering 90% of long-term care in America which accounts for about 65 million American’s caring for their aging loved ones. The National Family Caregivers Month theme this year is “Caregiving Around the Clock”. This is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country, and to raise awareness of family caregiver issues, educate family caregivers about self-identification, and increase support for family caregivers.
Almost two out of every three caregivers say that feelings of isolation or aloneness were a significant challenge, and half of all caregivers felt like they couldn’t talk to anyone in a social setting or work about what they were going through. So how can you help? Starting the conversation, making a phone call to check-in, sending a note, or stopping by for a visit can make a huge difference in a caregiver’s day and help them feel supported. Make your offer of help or support very specific, and don’t get frustrated if your offer of support is not immediately accepted. The family may need time to assess its needs. Continue to let the caregiver know that you are there and ready to help.

If you’re feeling alone or overwhelmed in your caregiving role, Seniors Helping Seniors of North & East Raleigh can help. Please contact us and our team of dedicated caregivers. We will listen to you and your unique situation. We will help you figure out a solution that works for you, whether that’s a structured program to supplement your care or just a few hours break from the taxing demands of this vital responsibility. Call 919-761-5346 or contact us at

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