
Pauline’s 90th Birthday

This week was no ordinary week. This week was Pauline’s 90th birthday!! With her big smile, energy and optimism she immediately becomes your friend and you hers. Pauline tells her life stories with humor and inspiration and as Charlotte it put at the end of our breakfast visit, “Thanks for the laughs Pauline! If only everyday could start with coffee and Pauline.”

Celebrating with our seniors is one of the many activities we do to provide mental health benefits, including lifting a person’s mood and increasing a sense of self-reliance and purpose. At Seniors Helping Seniors of North and East Raleigh we make this a part of each client’s care plan and match them with the perfect caregiver. We take them shopping, play cards, go for walks or exercise classes, take them to local events, crafting together, whatever activity brings them joy. If you have a senior who can benefit from a helping hand and a friendly smile contact Seniors Helping Seniors of North & East Raleigh at or call 919-761-5346.

Pauline with caregivers Melissa and Charlotte- office manager, Lisa and owner Kathy.

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