Helping Seniors Marketing/Media Director Kerry Fink covers the topic “About Medicaid Planning” with Elder Law Attorney Ruth Rhodes (Rhodes Law P.A.) and special guests Jennifer Helin (Seniors Helping Seniors), Rick Broderick (Helping Seniors Executive Director) and co-host John Harper (Talk to Me Radio).
Helping Seniors of Brevard County Radio
1. Have you named a power of attorney?
2. Do you have a living will?
3. Do you have a do-not-resuscitate order?
Technically speaking, we do not need some of this information to care for our clients. However, we do know how incredibly important these documents are for our clients to have. Please listen to this episode to find out why.
Radio – Original Airdate 02/26/21 – FM 90.3 WEJF Radio
Guest: Ruth Rhodes (Rhodes Law P.A.)
Guest: Jennifer Helin (Seniors Helping Seniors)
Guest: Rick Broderick (Helping Seniors Executive Director)
Host: Kerry Fink (Helping Seniors of Brevard) Co-Host: John Harper (Helping Seniors of Brevard)