
Here’s to Men’s Health Month!

Article Written by: Riki Montgomery

Guys, Pay Attention!

Did you know that June is Men’s Health Month? While we all need to be a little more conscious of our health as we age, there are a few things our gentlemen friends should be aware of. For example, the chances of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and hypertension are increased in men as compared to women.  According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention the top causes of death for adult men in the United States are heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases and stroke.

Just like women, men also have hormone changes to worry about.  Men go through a sort of male menopause around the age of 50 when Testosterone levels start to decline. They too suffer mood swings, irritability, lack of enthusiasm/ energy, insomnia/ fatigue, and poor concentration and short-term memory. Decreasing muscle mass can lower the ability to exercise, the results of which are weight gain and fat redistribution (“beer belly”).

How Can YOU Stay Healthy?

The good news is there are many ways to improve our health as we age.  Eat a healthy low-fat diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, get a yearly physical, wash your hands to avoid getting sick, take supplements (calcium, Vitamin D and B vitamins are common deficiencies), manage stress, engage your brain, and most importantly, stay active with cardiovascular and muscle building exercises (walking, swimming, cycling). Or if you like to help others in your community and stay active at the same time, give Seniors Helping Seniors a call. We hire seniors!

This article was printed in the Helping Seniors of Brevard  County Newsletter, conveniently tucked inside Senior Scene Magazine!

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