May 1 has long been known as being May Day, a day to celebrate that spring is officially here. Depending on what part of the country you live in, your May 1 can still be having snow showers or you can be roasting in the 90-degree sun. But remembering the old adage, “April showers bring May flowers,” no matter where you live, you can celebrate May Day with your aging parent. Family caregivers can create activities that celebrate the change of seasons and the assurance that if your May flowers aren’t here yet, they’ll soon by on their way.
If your parent loves the outdoors, fresh air and flowers, set aside May 1 to enjoy a fun activity celebrating May Day.
Create Traditional May Day Baskets.
A long-withstanding tradition of May Day is to hang little paper baskets on neighbors’ doors filled with flowers. If your parent is still actively avoiding too much social contact, this may be a great way for her to spend some time with her caregiver creating gifts for the neighbors without the fear of coming in too close of physical contact. You and your parent can find simple diagrams online to create little paper baskets to share with her neighbors. Whether you put fresh blooms in each basket, sweet candy treats or perhaps even seeds for planting, the neighbors will love the special gift leave at each door. This can be a fun way for your parent to appreciate her neighbors if she lives in an apartment or senior community.
Plant Something.

Depending on where your parent lives, perhaps you can join her in planting some fresh plants for the spring. You could create hanging planters, herb gardens, or seasonal gardens (depending on the weather in your area). Your parent may really enjoy spending this relaxing activity with her caregiver that will continue to bless her throughout the summer.
Visit a Garden.
Even though many gardens may still be mostly dirt and mulch, you and your parent can still head over to a local garden to see which flowers and plants are beginning to pop up their heads and get ready for the heat and sun of warmer months. Even the most northerly states might some of those early bloomers – tulips, daffodils, and crocus to name a few. Spring is also a great time to watch birds in the gardens as they prepare their nests and sing their mating calls.
Have a Picnic.
Spending the afternoon out at a park or lake with her loving caregiver may be a wonderful gift of a day for your aging parent. Find some fresh spring-like food to bring along on your picnic and celebrate making it through another winter together.
Have a Bonfire.
In ancient tradition, people would jump over the fire as part of their celebration of May Day, but we’re all for a nice comfy seat near a bonfire with a bit of marshmallow roasting to wrap up your May Day celebration and ring in the summer!
Take time off your tasks and responsibilities of a caregiver this May 1st and enjoy some nice relaxing time with your aging parent enjoying the longer, warmer days.