
Seniors Helping Seniors® Season Of Self-Care!

shsgreateromaha 30 Sep 2021

For many of us, maintaining good physical and mental balance proves key in enjoying an independent lifestyle. With autumn change in the air, now’s the perfect time to refresh our self-care routines. At Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home services, we’ve come up with a checklist of some of our favorite activities to keep both body and mind running strong this fall.

Find Your Exercise!

Moving and working up a sweat helps build muscle, while keeping joints limber. Still, we need to consider workouts that match our capabilities. Whether you’re walking, playing pickleball, bike riding or swimming, there’s a few pointers to get the most out of the activity.

  • Try to schedule your exercise for earlier in the day. Your body naturally stores more energy after a night’s worth of sleep. At the same time, the movement stimulates a release of endorphins, which can lift your mood as you head into your morning!
  • Always stretch. This seems obvious, but many people still remove this step from their exercise routine. Ensuring that muscles are loose and flexible will minimize risk of injury, as well as post-workout soreness.
  • Drink water throughout. Hydrating not only keeps your thirst at bay, but it also helps reduce cramping and overheating.
  • Switch up your routine. It’s not uncommon to fall into the exercise boredom trap! Try a mix of activities that keep you energized, intrigued and happy in the moment.

Stay Connected With Others

As daylight wanes in the fall months, it’s easy to begin pulling back from activities you enjoy. Still, sticking to a well-rounded social calendar can bring a sense of purpose to each week. Moreover, conversation with others stimulates the mind and gives us a sense of belonging. The trick is to stay involved at your pace, without becoming overwhelmed with commitments.

Tap Into Your Creative Side

Research shows that creativity stems from an emotional part of our brains, helping trigger a sense of calm and reducing stress. Taking 45 minutes a day to explore drawing, painting, crafts, or music can make all the difference. Remember, you don’t need to build a masterpiece to reap the benefits. No matter how your creation turns out, the artful journey is more important than the destination!

Schedule Self Reflection

The simple practice of looking inward – acknowledging what makes you unique – can spark a huge confidence boost. This can be done in the mornings or evenings. Here are the steps to get started.

  • Retreat to a quiet place in your home
  • List everything in your life that makes you happy
  • Explore what you’re most grateful for today
  • List at least 3 character traits, strengths, or unique identifiers that make you proud
  • Focus on these areas for 10 to 20 minutes

Our team at Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home services hopes you’ll find these pointers useful in guiding your self-care routine. We love helping individuals make the most of their day-to-day, and we’re always here to lend a hand!

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