
What a Rehab Engineer Brings to Your Village

Many people are familiar with the professions of Occupational or Physical Therapist, but do you know what a Rehab Engineer does? In the second of our series, Meaghan Fitzgerald Walls, President and CEO of Assistology, LLC explains the profession and discusses benefits to our senior population.

Let’s talk about safety, independence, Quality of Life and opportunities for socialization.  These are aspects of our lives that matter greatly.  They matter for our mental and physical health and well being.

They are also the aspects of our lives that are often overlooked by traditional systems providing services and supports to individuals with temporary or permanent impairment.

A Rehab Engineer is a unique professional that focuses on meeting a person where they are in their abilities and applying Assistive Technology to help them achieve their goals related to safety, independence, Quality of Life and socialization.

How is this different than a clinical Occupational or Physical therapy team that may work with you?   As a Rehab Engineer I have a deep understanding of impairment and disability, as well as vast knowledge in Assistive Technology.  I use this combination of skills to understand how a person who is experiencing disability in their daily life interacts with their environment and the activities in which they want to participate.  And I work in collaboration with the individual, their family and other care providers to identify the best Assistive Technology solution to help them reach their goals, utilizing their current abilities.

We collaborate with and support the efforts of a clinical team by helping the individual engage in more activities throughout their day; giving them more opportunity to be active and social; empowering them to be independent and all the while ensuring they have a safe environment in which to be active.

Assistive Technology changes the lives of the people who use it, and the people in their lives.

When your path to participating in your favorite hobby, cooking your own meals, family game nights and keeping in touch with loved one is easier you are more likely to try something new!

When your loved one gains or recovers a level of freedom and independence to do something they enjoy, everyone can breathe a little easier.

“It takes a village”…let Assistology be part of yours.

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