
What Can You Learn About the Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Does your elderly loved one have Alzheimer’s disease? If so, you may have many questions about this disease and what they will go through. The progression of the disease may be different from one person to the next. However, the stages are defined in the same way for everyone. Learning about these stages can help you to gain a better understanding of what your elderly loved one will deal with throughout this disease.

Stage 1 – Normal

At the first stage of this disease, there won’t be any symptoms noticeable. Your elderly loved one isn’t going to have any recognizable memory loss issues. At this stage, the only thing that will show your elderly loved one has Alzheimer’s disease is a PET scan. However, since there probably won’t be any suspicions of this disease, there won’t be any reason to have a PET scan done. This is why hardly anyone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at stage 1.

Stage 2 – Normal Forgetfulness

During the second stage of this disease, it is likely that your elderly loved one will start experiencing some memory loss. However, this is generally attributed to age-related issues. Your elderly loved one might lose their keys or forget to use a word in a sentence. Many people in the family or even home care providers may push this off as normal forgetfulness. It could be the start of the progression of this disease.

Stage 3 – Mild Impairments of Cognitive Functions

At stage 3 of Alzheimer’s disease, your elderly loved one may have noticeable changes in the way they think, reason, and in their memory. Testing done by a doctor could indicate a decline in cognitive functions. Some of the things that you might notice include your elderly loved one not being able to recall something they read, finding the right word to use when talking to someone, organizing information, making plans, or remember new names.

Stage 4 – Mild Alzheimer’s

At this stage, some symptoms will be very apparent. Your elderly loved one may start having a tough time with daily living activities. Some of the difficulties they might have include trouble doing basic math problems, forgetting the season or month, managing their finances, and forgetting things about themselves.

Stage 5 – Moderate Alzheimer’s

In this stage, your elderly loved one will experience further memory loss issues. They may need more help with daily living activities. Your elderly loved one may forget where they are, the time of day, and be confused about what clothes should be worn for a season.

Stage 6 – Moderately, Severe Alzheimer’s

During stage 6 of Alzheimer’s disease, your elderly loved one will need more supervision. By this point, they should have home care providers who help them on a regular basis. They may need help keeping themselves safe, getting dressed, and going to the bathroom. In addition, someone will need to monitor them to prevent wandering.

Stage 7 – Severe Alzheimer’s

This is the end stage of Alzheimer’s disease. Your elderly loved one will have difficulty with just about everything from walking to eating to moving around. They won’t be able to respond appropriately to situations or conversations.

At this time, there isn’t a cure for this disease. However, now that you know more about the stages of Alzheimer’s disease, you can be more prepared on how you will help your elderly loved one during each stage.



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