Category: Seniors Helping Seniors® Middle TN

shsmiddletn 05 Dec 2022

4 Seniors Helping Seniors® Tips For Discussing In-Home Care With Your Senior Loved One

Approaching the topic of in-home care can be tricky for children with aging parents. After all, admitting we need help is tough at any age! However, Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home care services understands the nuances…

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shsmiddletn 03 Nov 2022

National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month: Know The Facts

An estimated 6.2 million Americans age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s disease. Although the term “Alzheimer’s” is familiar to most, understanding the condition, its symptoms, and treatment options is a more difficult task….

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shsmiddletn 05 Oct 2022

(F)all About Maintenance

(F)ALL About Maintenance! Seniors Helping Seniors® Tips For Seasonal Prep   With temperatures starting to cool and the hustle and bustle of summer at an end, autumn is a wonderful time to perform yearly maintenance…

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Change The Game, Seniors! Stimulate Mind & Body With Video Gaming

Continually finding new hobbies that engage the mind is important in staying active and independent with age. Though traditional book clubs, exercise classes, and lunch dates are all excellent ways to promote social interaction and…

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