Category: Seniors Helping Seniors® Minneapolis West

shsminneapoliswest 01 Nov 2022

National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month: Know The Facts

An estimated 6.2 million Americans age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s disease. Although the term “Alzheimer’s” is familiar to most, understanding the condition, its symptoms, and treatment options is a more difficult task….

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shsminneapoliswest 11 Oct 2022

(F)ALL About Maintenance! Seniors Helping Seniors® Tips For Seasonal Prep

With temperatures starting to cool and the hustle and bustle of summer at an end, autumn is a wonderful time to perform yearly maintenance around your home or that of a senior loved one. For…

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shsminneapoliswest 07 Sep 2022

Dig In To Fall! Plan For Autumn Planting With Seniors Helping Seniors® In-Home Care Services

Cooler temperatures are settling in throughout the Heartland, making it an ideal time for gardening. Green thumb or not, Seniors Helping Seniors® care receivers will benefit from this activity for many reasons. Let’s take a…

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shsminneapoliswest 02 Aug 2022

Oh, The Places You’ll Go! Get Out of Town with Seniors Helping Seniors® In-Home Care Services

Summer is a great time to plan a trip with family and friends for lots of reasons! You can generally count on nice weather, making delays and interruptions to your plans less likely. Your grandchildren…

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shsminneapoliswest 12 Jul 2022

Meal Prep For Success With Seniors Helping Seniors® In-Home Care Services

You may think that meal prepping – or the act of planning, cooking, and portioning meals in advance — is just for bodybuilders and diehard dieters. However, Seniors Helping Seniors® care receivers can realize some…

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shsminneapoliswest 21 Jun 2022

Energize Your Summer! Fight Fatigue With Seniors Helping Seniors® In-Home Services

Summer in the Heartland means longer days, more sunshine, and plenty of time to get out and about with your Seniors Helping Seniors® caregiver! For those experiencing fatigue, however, keeping up with an active social…

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shsminneapoliswest 14 May 2022

Mind Over Matter: 5 Seniors Helping Seniors® Tips For Practicing Positive Aging!

Everyone views aging differently. To some, the idea of getting older is scary. Others embrace it with a youthful ferocity! At the end of the day, your mindset is more important than you think. It…

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shsminneapoliswest 13 Apr 2022

Occupational Therapy: A Seniors Helping Seniors® Suggestion For A More Independent YOU!

April is National Occupational Therapy Month and Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home care services is taking a moment to champion this life-changing treatment. Occupational therapy (OT) helps people of all ages maintain, or regain, the skills…

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shsminneapoliswest 04 Mar 2022

4 Seniors Helping Seniors® Steps To Tackle Spring Cleaning

March welcomes the start of the spring season, bringing with it a host of positive aspects like longer days, perfect weather, and a renewed sense of life in the world. It also means it’s time…

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