
Healthy Gift Ideas for Seniors

We are please to share this guest article by Kent Elliot.

If you have a senior loved one and are not sure what to get them for the holidays, consider investing in a gift that will promote their health. Healthy aging can be achieved by a holistic and sometimes tech-driven approach, with attention given to diet, exercise, social life, and more. Seniors may find the comprehensive job of attending to the various facets of mental and physical health daunting. You can make it easier with the perfect healthy, senior-friendly gift. Get inspired with the below ideas.

Support their physical activity with fitness accessories

Exercise helps seniors maintain their strength, flexibility and promotes a healthy heart and strong bones. Activities that are ideal for seniors include walking, yoga, cycling, and swimming. Depending on how your loved one likes to break a sweat, get them a fitting accessory. If they enjoy walking outside, for instance, a waist belt which is great for holding their keys, water bottle, and ID. If you want to splurge, you can even get them a smartwatch  which allows them to track their physical activity and monitor stats like heart rate.

Find something for the furry friend that keeps them company

 Seniors can actually experience health benefits from owning a pet. The prospect of having a furry friend to care for can be comforting. Additionally, playing with a cat or taking a dog for a walk can keep them active and engaged. If your loved one has a dog and is into cycling, a bike trailer is a great way to combine the two. They will get exercise without having to part ways from their pet. Do your research when bike trailer for your pet as you want to make sure it is safe and fully enclosed to prevent your dog from jumping out.

Gift them a learning experience to stimulate their mind

Instead of giving your senior loved one more stuff, give them an experience instead. You could sign them up for a language course, for example. Learning another language keeps the brain challenged and can delay dementia. Cooking classes are another alternative. This allows seniors to learn new skills and can provide them with a sense of excitement. They can also put their chef abilities to good use, preparing healthy meals for themselves to enhance their daily life. Additionally, group courses are an opportunity to socialize, which can stave off the loneliness that comes when older persons become isolated at home.

Get goods that promote a healthier diet

You can complement the gift of a cooking class with other food-related presents designed to promote a healthier diet. This is an ideal arrangement if you want to coordinate with multiple family members, allowing each person to gift an item that will go into the “healthy cooking” package. One person can give the cooking class, for instance, while another person can get senior-friendly recipe books, and another can get a basket of top-quality herbs and spices. Finally, inspire your senior loved one to tap into their inner chef by getting them a personalized apron. When they cook more frequently at home, they will end up getting more of the nutrients they need as they can control the ingredients used—and also save money.

 As you get your holiday shopping think about what will make your senior loved one happy, whilst improve their quality of life, so they can start the new year equipped with the tools they need for a brighter future.

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