
Alzheimer’s Care

Seniors Helping Seniors® 13 Aug 2024

Seniors Helping Seniors® Bethesda provides compassionate and individualized support to those affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementia. Our Alzheimer’s care is designed to maintain dignity and improve quality of life for the client, as well as peace of mind for their family.

Specialized Training:

We provide caregivers with specialized training tailored to the complexities of Alzheimer’s care. Our training program was recognized by the Alzheimer’s Association.

Mental Stimulation:

We created custom workbooks filled with puzzles and mental activities that provide engagement and can help slow the progression of dementia.

Escalating Care Needs

Alzheimer’s progresses over time, and care needs will escalate with this progression. The key to successful Alzheimer’s care is to start early — people with dementia will typically be amenable to assistance from people they know and trust but resistant to help from strangers. Thus, having a trusting relationship with a reliable caregiver is essential when higher-level care becomes necessary.

Seniors Helping Seniors® Bethesda excels at Alzheimer’s care because we (1) successfully build trusting relationships with people with early-to-moderate dementia, and (2) can accommodate care needs as they escalate.

An overview of Alzheimer’s progression is provided below:

Early/Mild (2-4 years)
  • Noticeable problems finding words or names

  • Trouble remembering names when introduced

  • Noticeably greater difficulty in social or work settings

  • Losing or misplaced valuable objects

  • Increasing difficulty with planning or organizing
  • Example: planning dinner for guests or paying bills

  • Difficulty with challenging mental arithmetic
  • Example: counting backwards by 7 from 100

  • Becoming moody or withdrawn, especially in social or mentally challenging situations

  • Forgetfulness about one’s own personal history
Middle (2-10 years)
  • Unable to recall their own address or telephone number

  • Confused about location, surroundings, or day of week

  • Difficulty with less challenging mathematics
Example: counting backwards from 20 by 2

  • Need help choosing seasonal-appropriate clothes and dressing (e.g. put pajamas over day clothes)

  • Major changes in sleep patterns

  • Remember own name but less personal history

  • Major personality and behavioral changes begin
  • Example: suspiciousness, compulsive, delusional

  • May begin to lose ability to eat and use toilet unassisted

  • May wander/become lost
Late (1-3 years)
  • Inability to perform most activities of daily living (ADLs)

  • Lose most or all language

  • Ultimately will be unable to control movement

  • Swallowing becomes impaired


Is Alzheimer’s care different than dementia care and memory care?

Alzheimer’s care typically encompasses both dementia care and memory care. What makes Alzheimer’s care different is the inevitability of heightened care needs over time.
Visit our Dementia Care page for more information about dementia care, including overcoming resistance and clinical support.
Visit our Memory Care page for more information about memory care services.

More Than Alzheimer’s Care

Seniors Helping Seniors® Bethesda offers far more than just Alzheimer’s care. We provide a wide array of non-medical care and support services that improve quality of life and keep your senior loved one safe. Visit our care services page for a full list of our services.

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