As a family caregiver, keeping your elderly parent safe and healthy is one of your most important priorities. While you might think immediately of the ways that you can help them to address the challenges and limitations that can come from their health issues and problems such as mobility trouble, there are other issues that your senior might face as well. One such issue is severe weather. Thunder, severe rain, snow, and other events can put your parent in an uncomfortable and even dangerous situation, and it is important that you are prepared to give them the help that they need.
There are many steps that you can take during a severe weather situation that can help to keep your parent safe and healthy, but it is essential that you do not wait until the weather has begun to start to address the situation. Instead, there are steps that you should take leading up to the severe weather to prepare your parent and help both of you to feel more confident throughout the situation.
Some things that you should do leading up to severe weather include:
• Stay up-to-date on the weather. Weather can change extremely quickly and it is important that you stay updated on the conditions and the forecast so that you know how to respond. Pay close attention to the radio and the television, and sign up for alerts on your mobile device. Encourage your parent to do the same, particularly if they live far enough away from you that the path of the severe weather may be different where they live.
• Check their emergency kit. Make sure that your parent’s emergency kit is well-stocked and easily accessible for your senior. Ensure that other members of your parent’s care network, including a senior care provider, knows where this kit is so that they can access it if the need arises.
• Check other supplies. Make sure that your parent has other supplies beyond their emergency kit that they may need during the weather situation. This should include basics such as food, blankets, clothing, and lighting that may be present in the emergency kit but that should be kept in the emergency kit for use if your parent needs to evacuate or the weather condition continues for a longer-than-expected period.
• Ensure they have their medications. Consider getting in touch with your parent’s doctor to discuss the medications that they take and if they may be able to access a larger supply to use during the course of the severe weather event if they are not able to get to the pharmacy.
• Review emergency plans. Talk to your parent about the emergency plans that you have put into place and review them. This should include your phone tree and evacuation plans so that they know what to do if conditions become urgent.
If you have been looking for ways to help your parent achieve and maintain a higher quality of life throughout their later years, or feel that your caregiver efforts are not fulfilling their care needs in the way that they deserve, now may be the ideal time for you to consider starting senior care for them. A senior home care services provider can be there with your elderly parent on a fully customized schedule that ensures that they will get all of the care, support, and assistance that they need, while also keeping you at the forefront of their care. In your role as their family caregiver, this can give you confidence that any care gaps that exist in the efforts that you give them will be filled effectively and that your parent will be able to stay happy, healthy, active, and engaged as they age in place.
If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in Omaha, NE, please contact the caring staff at Seniors Helping Seniors® Greater Omaha at (402) 215-0308 today.