Please meet Mr. Russel, a life time professional photographer that published early Ford Mustang pictures in magazines, newspapers, catalogues, brochures etc… We, SHS, have the privileage of helping Mr. Russel in his activities for daily living and we have learned an interesting fact about the early Ford Mustang pictures. One of the first pictures was taken in Boca Raton beach Florida circa 1964. Ford’s main idea was to promoted customer’s life style by showing a convertible sports car in a real beach environment. A red Ford Mustang body (without powertrain and transmission) was shipped from Dearborn MI to Boca Raton beach in FL for picture session. Mr. Russel said that sand bags were distributed inside the convertible to take the place of passengers weight and compensate for some of engine weight. The picture below were vastly used in advertisements and annual calendars.
We would like to thank you Mr. Russel for sharing this interesting fun fact of how things were done back then, so we can compare and contrast now and them…