
Tips For A Safe And Successful Day On The Links!

Play It Safe!

Play It Safe! 3 Tips For Senior Golfers

August is National Golf Month and there is no better way to honor the game than by playing a round! A recent study shows that seniors make up one-quarter of all golfers – and that is because a day on the course offers some major benefits. For example, Seniors Helping Seniors® care receivers find that regular golf outings improve strength and stamina with low-impact activity, bolster hand/eye coordination and concentration skills, and provide an excellent opportunity for social engagement. If those reasons are not enough…it is also just plain fun!

At Seniors Helping Seniors® in-home care services, the safety of those we serve is always our top priority. Though golf is considered a relaxing activity for many, there is always the possibility of injury. However, a little preparation can go a long way in ensuring you or a senior loved one have a wonderful day on the golf course!

While the following advice applies to every golfer, no matter their age, it is especially important for seniors. The Seniors Helping Seniors® tips below will have you or your special senior ready to walk, swing, and hopefully, get that ever-elusive hole in one!

Keep Cool And Hydrate

It is no secret that midday temperatures can be scorching in August! Whenever possible, schedule tee times early in the morning, when the sun is not as hot.

Make sure to wear appropriate clothing as well. A hat and sunglasses will help protect your head, face, and eyes from the sun’s rays, but it may be too hot to don long sleeves or long pants. Be sure to apply an FDA-approved sunscreen to any exposed areas of the skin.

Bring enough water for the round and drink up! Most golf courses also have refreshment carts or water stations along the green, so take advantage of these resources to keep your body well-hydrated!

Take The Strain Out Of Carrying Clubs

Let us face it, a golf bag full of clubs is heavy. Luckily, there are a few ways to avoid having to lug it all over the course.

First, consider investing in a pull cart. Since they have wheels, maneuvering a cart like this along the fairway will be no problem – even with a cumbersome bag of clubs in tow.

Or ask a grandchild or younger friend to come along as a caddy. They will enjoy getting to learn the game, you will benefit from a more relaxing day, and you will both love spending time together!

Prepare Before Hitting The Links

To prevent any issues, there are a few simple steps you can take before ever swinging a club:

Bring A Buddy

Seniors Helping Seniors® caregivers love helping our care receivers pursue their favorite hobbies, so do not shy away from challenging them to a friendly match! Not only will golfing with someone else make the round more fun, but you can also help each other watch for signs of distress as well – like heat stroke, sunburn, and dehydration.

Warm Up

Even the nicest of days on the links could lead to injury if you are not properly warmed up. Do a full-body stretch – making sure to hit your legs, hips, back, and arms – to get limber and prepare your muscles for physical activity.

Pick Balls Up Properly

Bending down to grab your golf ball might seem like the easiest part of your outing, but it is important to do it right to prevent injury. Always bend your knees when scooping a ball off the ground and lean on a friend to steady yourself while bending over.

Chicago is known to have creepy crawlers as well, so if you hit your ball into the rough, make sure it is the only thing hiding in the grass before reaching a hand in to get it.

Have The Clubhouse On Speed Dial

You could be up to a mile or more away from the clubhouse in the middle of a golf round. Make sure you have their number at the ready in case you or someone you are with needs assistance. They often have access to food, drink, and safety equipment that could help prevent serious health issues.

We love to see our care receivers living life to the fullest and enjoying their favorite activities! Staying mentally, physically, and socially active into your senior years is essential in remaining engaged and independent. Golfing is a wonderful way to have some fun while enjoying a host of positive benefits and the company of your Seniors Helping Seniors® companion! Now, who is ready to hit the links?!

Learn more about our services by calling or texting us at 312-526-3666. Or visit our website at

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