Month: June 2017

Should My Elderly Loved One Get a Pet?

Elder Care in Elkhorn NE: Pets can provide a number of benefits to the elderly but it is a decision that should be considered very carefully by both the senior and the family caregiver.

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Could Your Loved One’s Kitchen Be a Safer Room?

Senior Care in Gretna NE: Kitchen safety is a big deal, especially when it comes to your elderly loved one. Here are some of the biggest ways you can help to make her kitchen a safer room for her.

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Tips for Helping Your Senior Stay Hydrated Throughout the Day

Caregivers in Omaha NE: Experts estimate that 75 percent of people throughout the United States are living with chronic dehydration. This is a particular risk for elderly adults, who do not have as high of water content in their body and may not be able to properly interpret thirst signals.

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National Headache Awareness Week: What Causes Headaches?

Homecare in Papillion NE: No doubt your parent has suffered a headache at some point in their life. A headache is any pain in the head. A headache can affect just one side of the head, both sides, and can even be in just one specific spot on the head.

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What Causes High Blood Pressure?

Elderly Care in Gretna NE: High blood pressure may also be referred to as hypertension. If high blood pressure goes unchecked, it can lead to serious health problems like stroke, heart disease, or kidney disease.

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Seniors Encouraged to Age Out Loud

May 2017 Article May is Older American’s Month. This year’s theme is “Age Out Loud.” It’s a nod to the changing attitudes about aging in America and the need for our voices to be heard….

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